Kyouraku kills Starrk.
Love thanks Kyouraku and says he hasn't changed
and other stuff.
Kyouraku says that once war begins the outcome will be bad either way.
Harribel and Lisa fight.
Hitsugaya also has an exchange with Hiyori.
Aizen looks on.
Aizen: "That's enough, Gin.
Let's finish things..."
Harribel: "Aizen-sama..."
Aizen cuts down Harribel. "I have no more use for you. You're not good enough to fight under me.
Gin, Kaname, go."
В забугорном фэндоме пишут, что Айзен убил Халибел, Кёраку - Старка с Лилинетт.
Валерьянка? Дайте мне её.
А хрен.
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